Monday 28 November 2011

Just a piece of mind 8)

Hi up.

Well, before you continue scrolling down this entry, you should know that I'm not the owner of the blog. But still,  I insist on writing one because I think I have the superior power to do so, solely cause I'm Huda's older sis hahah! After all, I sure deserve some credits for making over her blogspot though there weren't much differences with the prev one :3

Next, I'm writing this to urge and encourage my sis and her followers (whom 3/4 of them are her korean-freak-friends) to continue blogging cause it's a fun way of writing and spilling your ideas up. Blogging doesn't limit you to just pictures or copy pasted articles from the net but it could be your own ideas on events or favourite stuffs etc etc. Well lets say if you are really running out of ideas on what to scribble or doodle about, just start of by writing your personal diary on your bad / lucky day at school was.

Say you hate how your Maths teacher dressed up in school this morning, spill it up here! :P Anything could be your contents. Your cat, how you spent your weekends, what item you just bought or your fave tv shows (Running Man! hahah) there are loaaaaads to choose from! :) Once you've got the grip of it, I'm sure you shall be addictive to it - blogging is a much exciting way than just reading books, trust me! :DD

I know people would be soo concious about their grammar. The what if questions. Like what if they get the wrong present tense for the past event or use plural verbs for singular subjects and so on (I do toooo! almost all the time) but that shouldn't stop you from writing. We learn from mistakes, don't we? :)  Even I myself do make the same mistake over and over again bahahaa. Well, nobody is perfect. At least we write. And that is much much better than those who just pinpoint your grammar mistakes but they don't blog, isn't it? :3

My advice is that just take blogging as a part of your diary, not a forced routine where you are obliged to. It's a book where you write when you are happy, down, excited or angry. It's a magic book which serves you all the year through :)

p/s: I know you just got back from International Scout's Jamboree and I'd love to hear that soon. Or keep me updated about the flood in KT. Cheers!

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