Saturday 27 September 2014

Hi peeps!

September 27, 2014

Dear friend,

I  am writing this because i'm so stress with my assignment(s). Seriously i'm not ready for my mid term. *3weeks to go.* Since i have no basic in accounting, its hard for me to understand. But yeah i've my belacaks' to teach me. Glad to having them. Love ya! Sebut pasal Belacaks', actually we have through a hard situation last week. We involved in a car accident. That was such a bad moment ever! And that day was Fatin's birthday. Mia, Syiera, Ummi and me were planning a little surprise party for Fatin but ... Hmm Allah's plan is better than our plan right? Everyone was crying at the parking lot while on the phone with our parents. And Alhamdulillah thanks to Abah, my sis-in-law and my brother cause them helped us to down settle those things since we were in a phobia so we can't handle that situation. Ok. Tak nak speaking dah boleh? Sebab nanti banyak gammar error. Lagi masalah belajar untuk sem 2 ni. Serious its hard for me nak belajar dari science stream ke accounting. Dalam kelas Financial Accounting i was like "what the heck is kunci kira - kira? etc" since classmate yang ada basic berebut nak jawab apa lect tanya. Sumpah, rasa bodoh sangat dalam kelas tu! But i'll try my best to prove them that non-accounting student can strive and get 4flat! Count on me. And next microeconomics. Me to don't have basic in eco. Ini pun masalah jugak. Tapi cuba jugak faham walaupun mejonya tak faham. Nasib ada Belacaks' yang tolong terangkan buat kali ke seribu apa yang lect ajar. Next Business law. Urghhhhh lagi lahhhhh! Since i don't like sejarah so didn't have interest to learnt this subject seriously!! And yes kelas untuk Bus Law 3jam without any break! Aku 1/2jam pun dah pancit. Ni 3jam. Tuhan je tahu macam mana berat dia. Kena pulak ramai senior yang kena repeat subjek tu. Memang agak menakutkan. And now i'm searching for a way to concentrate and focus on that class. Semester 2 ni dah tak boleh nak buat gila gila macam sem 1 dulu. Subjek makin lama makin susah. So nak tak nak kena la jugak dapat pointer 3.5 dan keatas. Hmm Ya Allah give me some strength ! Ok, i should probably go to sleep now. Its late, since i have class in the morning and a test too! Oh god! I don't know why i wrote this down a lot of this for you to read. The reason i wrote this because i am so stress with those subjects and my assignments as well. And not to forget mid term is around the corner! I am really afraid of going. Do pray for my first ever test for financial accounting tommorow morning!

Love always,
HuDa Abdullah

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